Helpful Resources

Cultural responsiveness and socially just practice thrive in a learning environment where we connect through explorations, conversations and reflections. Below are links to resources, programs and organisations to support the ongoing development of culturally safe and inclusive communities. If you have a resource, program or link that you would like to share with us, or add to this site, please get in touch and we can start a conversation.

Health and Wellbeing

Mind Equality Centre: offers counselling and mental health support for LGBTIQ individuals and families

Q Health at Merri Health and Drummond Street: offers alcohol and drug support services for LGBTIQ individuals

Q Life: telephone counselling service for LGBTI individuals

Queer Space at Drummond Street Services: Offers counselling and community support for LGBTIQ individuals and families

Switchboard Victoria: telephone counselling and peer support for LGBTI individuals

Thorne Harbour Health: offers sexual health services (including HIV/AIDS) for LGBTI individuals

YSAS GLBTQI Residential Withdrawal


Ethnic LGBT+: blog sharing stories of LGBTIQ+ individuals from multicultural communities

Families like Mine is a multimedia guide that offers practical advice to families of young gender diverse people, same-sex attracted and bisexual people, and those who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity

Inner North Rainbow Playgroup is a playgroup for LGBTIQ families

Marhaba: Group for LGBTIQ+ Muslim individuals led by imam Nur Warsame

Parents of Gender Diverse Children: organisation that provides support aimed at parents with gender diverse children

PFLAG Australia: Support group and advocacy for parents and allies of the LGBTIQ community

Rainbow Families is the voice for, and champion of LGBTIQ families and prospective parents in NSW

Safe Schools Coalition is a national network of organisations working with school communities to create safer and more inclusive environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families

Safe Schools Department of Education is a program which helps schools foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTI students.

SKEPSI Mental Health Project delivered by PRONIA in collaboration with queerspace; addressing the mental health and wellbeing needs within the Australian Greek LGBTI, same sex attracted and queer community

SheQu: Facebook group that supports LGBT+ women from multicultural backgrounds, based in Sydney and holds events, also has a closed FB group

Trans, Gender Diverse and Gender Non-Binary parents & carers

Transcend is a parent led peer support network and information hub for transgender children and their families in Australia.

Community Groups

Aleph Melbourne: Group for LGBTIQ+ Jewish individuals

ArciLesbica Australia: Group for LGBTIQ+ Italian women
Asian Australian Rainbow Alliance: Group for supporting LGBTIQ+ Asian Australians

Asian Australian Rainbow Alliance: Group for supporting LGBTIQ+ Asian Australians

Club Adonis: Group for LGBTIQ+ Greek men

ConversAsians and SocialisAsians: Group for LGBT+ Asian men

Gay Asian Proud: Group for LGBTIQ+ Asian men

Greek and Gay: Group for gay and bisexual Greek men

Greek Lesbians: Group for LGBTIQ+ Greek women

Helem Melbourne: Group for LGBTIQ+ Arabic men

Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria: Group for Jewish lesbian women

Keshet Australia: Group for LGBTIQ+ Jewish individuals

LGBTI Latin America: Group for LGBTIQ+ Latin American/Hispanic individuals

Marhaba: Group for LGBTIQ+ Muslim individuals led by imam Nur Warsame

Minus 18: Holds community events and provides peer support for LGBTI+ young people (21 years or younger)

Queer Muslims: Group for LGBTIQ+ Muslim individuals (might be inactive)

Rainbow Connections: platform for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to share their creative content regarding their social identities and relationships

SheQu: Facebook group that supports LGBT+ women from multicultural backgrounds, based in Sydney and holds events, also has a closed FB group

Sydney Queer Muslims: Support and advocacy group based in Sydney for individuals identifying as Muslim and LGBTIQ

Trikone Australia: Group for LGBTIQ+ individuals from South East Asia

Yellow Kitties: Group for asian lesbians, bi, questioning, intersex, transgender of all ages.

Knowledge and Service Development

ACON: LGBTIQ health promotion organisation that provides research, advocacy and support

Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health, and Society: Conducts and publishes research on LGBTIQ health and wellbeing. Based at La Trobe University.

Australian Lesbian Medical Association: offers advocacy and mentoring for lesbian professionals and lesbian health issues

LGBTIQ for General Practice; Trans GP Module

LGBTI Health Alliance: Working therapeutically with LGBTIQ clients; a practice wisdom resource.

LGBTI Justice Working Group: The LGBTIQ taskforce provides high level, strategic advice to the Minister for Equality and government departments on current and emerging LGBTI issues and on government policy, programs and services to address those issues.

Love Project: program that aims to improve welfare amongst older LGBT+ individuals

MindOUT develops and delivers national suicide prevention initiatives for LGBTI populations

National LGBTI Health Alliance: the national peak health organisation in Australia that offers health-related programs, services and research focused on LGBTI individuals and communities

QTIPOC Project at Switchboard: offers training packages and consultations regarding improving equity in service use for QTIPOC communities

Rainbow eQuality: Online resource developed by Victorian government LGBTIQ+ taskforce for service agencies to adopt inclusive practices, has sections on working with LGBTIQ+ refugees and multicultural individuals

Rainbow Network: Resources and training for working with LGBTIQ youth

Silver Rainbow: program that specialises in LGBTI ageing and aged care

Victorian Virtual Pride Centre: online directory for resources and LGBTIQ+ support groups in Victoria

Wellways Out Together project: provides resources and training for LGBTIQ+ individuals registered under NDIS


A Gender Agenda: organisation that offers support, advocacy, sector training and workshops working with the intersex, trans and gender diverse community

Intersex Human Rights Australia: organisation that advocates for intersex individuals and communities, including policy development, peer support and sector training

Multicultural and Multifaith Project: project that supports CaLD groups within LGBTIQ+ community, working in conjunction with many other groups

The Equality Project: organisation that focuses on advocacy for the LGBTIQ community, most notably through their biennial national conference

Transgender Victoria: organisation that advocates for transgender rights, including community campaigns, support groups and sector training

Ygender: organisation that offers support and advocacy for trans and gender diverse youth

Zoe Belle Gender Collective: organisation that advocates for trans and gender diverse communities, including sector training and general resources